Eller gör man det för att stärka självförtroendet?
- Jag personligen vill förstora brösten, och då skulle jag göra det för att det är snyggt, och när man tycker de är snyggt så stärker man sitt självförtroende.
Den politiskt korrekta sidan att man är hemskt olycklig, svag mm om man opererat sig.
Dessutom blir man aldrig lyckligare, man ångrar sig osv. Är det ren fakta eller är det falskt? Eller så kan man säga att det är alldeles upp till var och en.
Det är många som säger att det är lika lätt nu förtiden att förstora brösten som att gå till tandläkaren.
"Alla föds inte vackra,
"Jag tror inte att det finns en gräns, så länge du själv känner dig trygg, // Reno
Låter lite som den fula ankungen som sedan blir till en vacker svan! Skönheten sitter på insidan och inte på utsidan |
Det här med förebilder och plastikoperationer, vad spelar det för roll om man förstorar brösten eller gör om näsan, måste man vara en dålig förebild för det? Det är väl själva personligheten och hur personen är som gör en person till en bra förebild eller en dålig. Såg på en video och har även läst i tidningar då de pratar och skriver att själva "Kissie" är en dålig förebild bara för att hon har förstorat brösten och fixat näsan, hon gör vad hon vill med sin kropp, så sluta klaga.
Det ni gör för att må bra, klagar ju inte vi på?!
Funderar, funderar ;) |
Att operera sig är som att styrketräna eller vad som helst, där kroppen på något sätt får mer eller mindre permanent förändring. Folk som blivit utsatta för mobbning eller blivit retad för nåt i deras ansikte som kropp, känner sig inte vackra själva (då jag känner mig så) då de gör om sig för att "passa in". Allt ska vara perfekt!
Men personligen tycker jag att varje människa är unik, att det är bättre att vara den man är, istället för att operera om sig och bli som alla andra. Men att förstora brösten tycker inte jag är någon stor sak. Men som sagt det är upp till var och en, alla får ha en åsikt men är det något negativt kan man lika gärna vara tyst!
"För det finns ingen som du"
Tänk på det!
-(Upp till var och en)
-Individen själv bestämmer över sina egna kropp,
-Om man varit med om en olycka att man har chansen att kunna välja själv
-Att det kan bli fel
Finns säkert lika många negativa som positiva saker när det gäller att operera sig.
Bok för barn om plastikoperationer
Inget jag skulle föreslå dock, men såg på tv att de hade gjort en barn bok.
Alla bilder i bloggen är lånade av google
Is it that you are looking for eternal youth and beauty?Or do you do it to enhance self-confidence?- I personally would like to enlarge the breasts, and then I would do it because it is beautiful, and when you think they are nice so it strengthens their confidence.
The politically correct side of it is terribly unfortunate, weak, etc. if they operated separately.In addition, it never happier, you repent and so on. Is it pure fact or is it false? Or you could say it's just up to each one.
There are many who say it is so easy nowadays to enlarge the breasts by going to the dentist.
"All are not born beautiful,"I do not think there is a limit, as long as you feel safe, / / Reno
Sounds a bit like the ugly duckling who then turns into a beautiful swan!The beauty on the inside and not on the outside
ModelThis thing about role models and plastic surgery, what does it matter if you enlarge your breasts or do on your nose, you must be a bad role model for that? That's the personality and how the person is that makes a person a good role model or a bad one.Saw a video and have even read the newspapers when they talk and write to the "Kissie" is a bad role model just because she has enlarged her breasts and her nose fixed, she does what she wants with her body, so stop complaining.What you do to feel good, do not we complain to?!
Thinking, thinking;)
The surgery is like to work out or whatever, where the body was in no way be more or less permanent change. People who have experienced bullying or being teased for something in their face and body, do not feel beautiful themselves (when I feel so) as they do on themselves to "fit in". Everything must be perfect!
But personally I think that every person is unique, that it is better to be who you are, instead of being redone and be like everyone else. But to enlarge the breasts do not think I'm any big deal. But as I said it is up to each one, all may have an opinion but is there anything negative you might as well be quiet!
"For there is no one like you"Think about it!
Positive:- (Up to each one)-The individual himself has control over his own body,-If you've been in an accident that you have the chance to choose for yourself
Negative:-That it may be wrong-Complications
Are probably as many negative as positive things when it comes to surgery.
Book for children about plastic surgeryMy beautiful mommy
Nothing I would suggest, however, but saw on TV that they had made a children's book.
All images in this blog are borrowed from google
Is it that you are looking for eternal youth and beauty?Or do you do it to enhance self-confidence?- I personally would like to enlarge the breasts, and then I would do it because it is beautiful, and when you think they are nice so it strengthens their confidence.
The politically correct side of it is terribly unfortunate, weak, etc. if they operated separately.In addition, it never happier, you repent and so on. Is it pure fact or is it false? Or you could say it's just up to each one.
There are many who say it is so easy nowadays to enlarge the breasts by going to the dentist.
"All are not born beautiful,"I do not think there is a limit, as long as you feel safe, / / Reno
Sounds a bit like the ugly duckling who then turns into a beautiful swan!The beauty on the inside and not on the outside
ModelThis thing about role models and plastic surgery, what does it matter if you enlarge your breasts or do on your nose, you must be a bad role model for that? That's the personality and how the person is that makes a person a good role model or a bad one.Saw a video and have even read the newspapers when they talk and write to the "Kissie" is a bad role model just because she has enlarged her breasts and her nose fixed, she does what she wants with her body, so stop complaining.What you do to feel good, do not we complain to?!
Thinking, thinking;)
The surgery is like to work out or whatever, where the body was in no way be more or less permanent change. People who have experienced bullying or being teased for something in their face and body, do not feel beautiful themselves (when I feel so) as they do on themselves to "fit in". Everything must be perfect!
But personally I think that every person is unique, that it is better to be who you are, instead of being redone and be like everyone else. But to enlarge the breasts do not think I'm any big deal. But as I said it is up to each one, all may have an opinion but is there anything negative you might as well be quiet!
"For there is no one like you"Think about it!
Positive:- (Up to each one)-The individual himself has control over his own body,-If you've been in an accident that you have the chance to choose for yourself
Negative:-That it may be wrong-Complications
Are probably as many negative as positive things when it comes to surgery.
Book for children about plastic surgeryMy beautiful mommy
Nothing I would suggest, however, but saw on TV that they had made a children's book.
All images in this blog are borrowed from google
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